Current Projects

Action Groups:

ATLP is gathering energy, reorganizing, and planning.
Join a DEI project and bring your unique insights and skills to these collaborative groups.

Action groups include:

AT for Everyone: this Action group will explore how we get the work out to underserved people and communities. Focus on varied community outreach and skill building for teachers engaged in outreach.

Collaboration with Joy Chiu of Vital Shifts: Building the infrastructure for the underground railroad of today, how healers and artists can be supported in their AT work with the underserved

Jamaica 2023 - Gathering sometime between Dec 26 2023 and Jan 2 2024 to connect, grow and share AT with community groups in Jamaica.

Pedagogy: Examining, decolonizing how and what is taught about AT and providing resources

Networking within ATLP: In-person Exchanges currently monthly in New York City (see calendar or home page). Email us if you would like to start an in-person exchange where you live.

Anti-Patriarchy Affinity Groups:
- Female-identifying or non-male-identifying (4th Sunday of each month)
- Male-identifying (contact VOT for latest info)

Allyship: Contact the VOT if you need support, which can be listening, being sounding boards, or advocacy

DEI Skills-Building for AT community members
- What Doors Can Open: EQUITY & HEALING Workshop Series with Moriah Williams

Congress: Finishing up our Berlin Congress 2022 projects. Do we want involvement in future congresses?

Brazil conference / gathering: Centering DEI in Somatics (contact Raquel Cavalcanti)

AT Directory: Creating a global directory

ATLP 2024 in-person gathering: August in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Monthly Zoom Meetings:  Develop the speaker list and choose content based on survey results, communicate with volunteer speakers, take on an organizing role for a meeting.

and More… Contact us if you would like to start an Action Group.


AT Liberation Project Meetup Interaction Guidelines

We are here to listen, learn and share. We will do our best to speak authentically from our own embodied experiences. We will practice pausing and looking at things from multiple viewpoints. We endeavor to let go of assumptions and beliefs that everyone teaches and receives the Alexander Technique in the same way. We are dedicated to our ongoing learning process as well as recognizing, repairing and attending to harm. We will use the AT to take care of ourselves so that we can stay connected to others and build a community of joy and of belonging.


please use the contact us form to sign up for ATLP Action groups