Monthly: Exploring Our Personal and Collective Relationship with Money: An EFT (Tapping) Workshop

Next: Sunday March 24, 12-2 PM ET

There will be some structured prompts and presentation, but this is also a forum for ATLP members to ask the questions that are relevant to them and their practices.

In this workshop we will focus on our relationship with money in the macro and micro, and explore your own sticking points and portals when it comes to your relationship with sustenance, thriving, and potential for helping create a de-objectified relationship with material wellness and exchange.

Our current financial system is built on exploitation, and it is currently eating the planet alive. What, then, are the possibilities for supporting our embodied existence in a life-giving way? Where we are not just depleted by the system, where we are not just consumers but creators and nurturers?

You are welcome to bring anything that feels painful or impossible about money and the global financial system, as well as your heart’s desire about the shape of your life and your role in the ecology of beings.

About Emotional Freedom Technique

We will be using Emotional Freedom Technique, a simple, effective self care and community care tool that supports clearing blockages in our energy system and getting out of the fight/flight/freeze response so we can open to our creativity and our perception of possibility. There will be a brief intro to EFT and variations for accessibility. This is a technique you can use with friends and clients.

EFT is exploding in popularity. Come find out some of the reasons why it's adoption as a method for trauma healing and well-being is accelerating. In part it's due to no official training being needed and open source recipes for tapping being shared in online communities.

In my experience, tapping about money can help release us from pervasive patterns and distortions, and can play a profound role in shifting our relationships with survival, systems, and capacity for care. The more we heal these patterns, the more available our energy is for creating systemic shifts in how we organize exchange

We will tap and see what openings we find. If folks are interested, we may continue this series

Feel free to share this with anyone who you think might be interested.

Contact Moriah with questions and to join for free at

[Image: Four Mexican violetear hummingbirds pollinating hanging orange and red flowers. Tapanti NP, Costa Rica.]

More Information about Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique, or Tapping,  is based on the meridian system in Traditional East Asian Medicine. Folks indigenous to Turtle Island also have traditions of acupressure/acupuncture that work with the flow of our energy pathways. In the 1980s Emotional Freedom Technique was developed based off of work using the meridians to heal phobias, which was then expanded and simplified into the tapping protocols we currently use as a way to make healing easily accessed and shared by lay people.

EFT combines stimulating acupoints while working with conceptual frameworks, emotional issues, life patterns, past events, words, song, imagination, and more, which supports us in reconnecting with our innate life force and capacity for healing.

This workshop is in the spirit of innate health and community care found both in these older systems and the intention of EFT. Because the stimulation of acupressure points helps restore balance, and because the verbal/cognitive/felt sense aspects of EFT are about reconnecting our distressed and isolated parts with larger and more supportive truths, in my experience EFT tends to be a stabilizing modality which is appropriate for community care. It is also easily shared and innately flexible, so it can be a great support in people’s empowered experience of healing.

There is a large and growing body of public access EFT material, and there is also a large and growing body of research for those who find empirical findings to be supportive and clarifying.

Why Include Variations?

For a lot of folks the basic EFT protocol becomes more accessible over time, as they heal trauma patterns, increase range of motion and capacity for intensity and healing, and feel more at home in their bodies. This varies from person to person, though, and EFT is about starting where you are. The fundamental principles and techniques of EFT are so potentially liberating that the aim is for tapping to be accessible for as many folks as possible.

Touching a sequence of points on your body can be difficult for folks who have sensory sensitivities, difficulty with intensity, discomfort with range of motion, fatigue, brain fog or dementia, dysphoria, autoimmune, boundary injuries, medical or care trauma and so on that are often part of chronic issues. This is why we’ll be spending time in the introduction on a lot of possible modifications to access the healing potential found in the principles of tapping.

About the Host

The AT Liberation Project is an open network of Alexander Technique teachers, trainees and students who have come together to examine inequity and injustice in our community’s history, to educate ourselves on topics of inclusion, equity and social justice, and to create a more welcoming AT community for ourselves and those who may have been excluded from our work in the past.

We seek to question language, paradigms, and practices within the Alexander Technique which cause harm and limit inclusion, and develop those which foster social justice and belonging.

About the Facilitator

Moriah Williams (pronouns: q/surprise me) is a holistic practitioner, writer, and portal witch who works with folks who are interested in exploring body-based, sociopolitical, and/or spiritual and nature-based aspects of healing. 

Moriah practices Ortho-Bionomy®*, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Animal Communication, and q is a NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM®)-Informed Professional with an Embodied Social Justice Certificate. Moriah is a white autistic genderqueer person who has healed from chronic illness, who has special interests in birds, spiders, liminality, and the spiritual function of humor.

Moriah has presented workshops for numerous organizations, including: TruHap Positive Psychology Center, (Un)occupy Albuquerque and Kalpulli Izkalli's Medicine for the People, Multicultural Efforts to end Sexual Assault (MESA), The Alternatives Conference, the Optimal Aging Conference,  the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International,Inc., and q has been a panelist for Southwestern College's Disability, Bias, and Access panel. 

*Ortho-Bionomy® is a trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc., and is used with permission. 

I acknowledge that by registering for this class, I understand that I am responsible for my physical and mental health and my decisions around my own well-being. I am participating voluntarily and I agree to hold Moriah J. Williams and Moriah J. Williams Intuitive Healing harmless regarding my experience.