Your voice matters!

Please add your thoughts to the ATLP mission/vision survey conducted every 4 years

ATLP advancing DEI-Centered Alexander Technique in the world


Where do We Go from Here?
Understanding and Surviving a New Paradigm

Darryl Aiken-Afam, founder of AFAM Consulting Group, specializes in Organizational Leadership, Authentic Diversity & Equity, and Holistic Health & Wellness. AFAM Consulting Group provides comprehensive, in-house support for diverse team, group, and organizational needs, resulting in cohesive and effective outcomes.

Online ATLP-Sponsored Workshop
Saturday, Feb 1, 2-4pm EDT

Cost: Sliding scale 0-$30

Donations and contributions are greatly appreciated!

Register Now

Workshop Overview

This workshop will help participants process the current landscape in the wake of the 2024 election, with a focus on understanding the racial dynamics at play and providing tools for coping in the present reality while preparing for the future. Through a deep exploration of the intricate connections between power and racism, participants will gain insights into how these forces reinforce and sustain one another within the structure of American society.

Drawing from anti-racism principles, including the commonly used framework “Race Prejudice + Power = Racism” (People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond), this workshop goes beyond examining race prejudice alone to focus on the foundational role of power in perpetuating systemic racism.

Key Topics Covered:
- What is Power?
- Bases of Power: Organizational and ethnic resources as power sources
- Social and Cultural Origins of Power
- Consciousness and Power

By exposing the systems that influence both our social and private lives, this workshop enables participants to uncover the deeper roots of American racism. You’ll leave with increased understanding and clarity about how to effect change that is both impactful and lasting.

2025 Series Marketing with Ease, Inclusion and AT
Community Sharing of Successes and Pitfalls

Postponed - New date will be announced soon

Free Event
Preregistration is suggested. Please add your name here:

-Means whereby to fulfill your vision
-Working our your goals for the new year for your practice / business
-Community Sharings to support our growth and learning

Meeting Zoom Link
Come join a special Zoom gathering for Alexander Technique teachers, trainees, and friends! We will come together to brainstorm and support each other in developing inclusive marketing ideas for our work. Everyone will have a chance to share their current thoughts and concerns about their marketing process, and as a group, we’ll collectively explore ways to grow and expand our reach. Let's build a collaborative community and inspire each other with fresh ideas.

All are welcome!
Invite your AT and marketing friends.

Upcoming events

VOT Meetings (Volunteer Organizing Team): email us if you’d like to visit!

All WELCOME! Email for Zoom links or questions.

Feb 1 Saturday 11-1pm PT / 2-4pm ET/ 8-10pm CET Where do we go from here? with Darryl Aikem-Afam; REGISTER HERE This training will be facilitated by Darryl Aiken-Afam. The AFAM CONSULTING GROUP, provides educational consulting services and training in the fields of Organizational Leadership & Professional Development, Authentic Diversity & Equity and Holistic Health & Wellness. 

Feb 8 Saturday Marketing with Ease, Inclusion and AT: Community Sharing of Successes and Pitfalls 2-3:30pm ET / 8-9:30pm CET
Zoom link and optional registration

Feb 23 Sunday Volunteer Organizing Team Orientation Training 3:30-5pm ET / 9:30-11 CET
Orientation for new VOT members, open to all; This training happens only once every two years. Please email for the Zoom link.

Practices of decolonizing our work, community, and culture. Conversations and accountability for how we perpetuate White Supremacy culture in our work. ~ A multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-gendered community in which there is a single, united society in the US, and an absence of snobbery based upon type of training. ~ A welcoming space for BIPOC trainees and a willingness to confront white supremacist culture practices within the structure of AT training ~ listening, respect, people who currently feel outside, feeling welcomed and that they belong ~ connection, space, accountability, decolonization of use of self and how i teach ~ This questions requires a full conversation, not a short answer form like this. ~ Recognition of varying styles of teaching; AT taught in more diverse settings ~ Humans of all shapes, sizes, genders, colors, and abilities must be welcome! ~ AT “authority” self healing using AT on their own “tightly gripped” beliefs. ~ More acceptance of different lineages and a more racially diverse community. ~ Understanding bodies-bodies that understand and recognition of all bodies ~ all lineages valued and voices heard. open forums to discuss inclusivity ~ AT being welcoming to all, no longer being an elitist and exclusive ~ Getting ourselves out there in more diverse communities ~ ~ A community that cares ~ inclusion of all voices ~ Respectful dialogue and patience ~ Openness, warmth and collaboration ~ More teachers and students of color ~ Honesty, acceptance, curiosity, bravery ~ Permission to make mistakes and be on a learning journey. With that, strong boundaries prohibiting blame, shame and call out culture. I am reluctant to tell other people what they should be doing. The question is, what am I willing to do? What can I give my time and energy to that will begin to address some of the issues that the ATDC is raising? I'm particularly interested in excavating the history of idealized posture, eugenics, racism, and the dark side of human potential movements in general and I think events where we have frank conversations and educational content around those issues are needed. I think we could collaborate with other "embodiment" professionals on these topics. I would also like to see us as a profession be more sexy, more interested in pleasure & the emotional and expressive aspects of life. More BIPoC people, more young, diverse people, I envision a community which really wants to be healed, gatekeepers who reflect their being and make space within the different communities worldwide. I envision brave people, who speak up when they sense that burden is put on another collegues even if they do not understand or agree. I see an Alexander world which reflects their thinking on how dualistic it is or how the search on quality is bound to white Privilege and academia I envision an World of professionals who know about and decline Alexanders racist language and a community which celebrates the woman's voices of the first generation teachers,.... I envision changes not just in AT demographics, but in the way we think about the work and society. I envision AT as a tool to advance social justice. DEIB is part of the use of the self. We can't say we practice good use of ourselves unless we work toward active DEIB in our own community. I want to see those ideas normalized, taught to all AT teachers, and actively practiced in our daily lives. If AT teachers aren't willing to do this, I want them to know the community considers that to be hurtful. I want us to be vocal and clear that we do not accept injustice. I want justice to be part of our framework, not just a way to get token diversity. A deconstruction of the unconscious racist biases in AT, and then an intentional reconstruction of the AT profession around contemporary 21st century ethics, values, scientific advancements, and not around anti-disabled, racist, white body supremacist beliefs. We can then take a leadership position in the field of human agency, human dignity, and lifelong personal growth for all people. Also, breaking free from the limits of the elitist-perpetuating STAT training models to training programs which are more effectively training AT professionals to meet the demands of 21st century jobs. For me, inclusion, equity, and diversity are directly tied to justice. Without justice, those things mentioned above are “nice to have’s”. When we recognize that we need to pay attention to those things due to a lack of justice built into our world in systemic ways, the conversation changes completely. What I envision is that we need to build ways to add the context that is missing that contributes to systemic oppression. Adding this context, my hope is that more voices would be able to be in the room. When we have more voices in the room we can be more connected to each other. Careful and honest examination of historical texts, practices that are still being used today in order to identify problematic areas and to whatever extent possible ensure these are not being used to train teachers or teach students. Also an active commitment to creating warm, open, non-judgmental and joyful spaces where expansion of what we understand can occur. acknowledgment of all lineages between each other (STAT, ATI, independent training schools) and equal representation at big events like the congresses, benevolent exchange would be very fruitful between the different lineages and important to keep our wonderful work alive. Diversity at AT events regarding age, gender, color, etc including minority groups. Embrace of learning to see our biases (habits) and unlearning them in an atmosphere of trust and discovery. This would include taking a stand toward anti-racist, decolonial work, and creating more access and belonging for people of a variety of races, ethnicities, abilities, genders, religions...all the things that are mentioned in the ATDC statement. A re-imagining/re-understanding of what the work actually is, and an examination of how we are not currently diverse. Examination means doing the foundational work of seeing what's in the basement, taking it out, really looking at it, understanding why we put it there, and making different decisions about what to do. I would like to see everyone on board to support a comprehensive mission for DEI and belonging, more accessibility to the technique for ALL people but specifically for BIPOC, Disabled and economically disadvantaged folx. I would like to see less resistance and protectionism and more inclusivity. A forum for BIPOC teachers, students and interested parties to share their experiences. Discussions on how AT needs to examine itself thru the lens of white supremacy. Workshops for AT teachers on anti-racism training. I would like to see white teachers examining themselves more scrupulously. Diversity should apply to teaching methods. In order for the work to resonate with a diverse populous, then AT needs to be flexible and accommodating in it's outreach. Accessibility of the technique is a huge issue, therefore as teachers we need to focus on our communication and style. Acceptance of our differences as human beings and seeing the great value of diversity as a learning and growing opportunity within the community. It is so important to learn, know how things look and feel from another perspective: such as culture, race, ability, backgrounds... More AT teachers of color, which, in some cases, will mean more available financial aid. Also, people of color in leadership positions in AmSAT. Training for all teachers of the technique in cultural differences that could make the technique more accessible to people of color.Incorporate AT into environments where diversity already exists such as schools (elementary to graduate school), businesses, etc. that would then encourage people of BIPOC, LGBTQ, etc. to pursue becoming teachers. Don't expect people to come to AT; take AT to the people. I don't see myself belonging. For my and others true inclusion, eugenics must be faced along with racism and I don't see that happening. But I like to stay connected to other practitioners who might be allies in adjacent communities. Active promotion of marginalized people into leadership roles, equity treated as a fundamental aspect of a community (not a side dish or an extra), accountability for past harms done within the AT community. A multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-gendered community in which there is a single, united society in the US, and an absence of snobbery based upon type of training. Practices of decolonizing our work, community, and culture. Conversations and accountability for how we perpetuate White Supremacy culture in our work. A welcoming space for BIPOC trainees and a willingness to confront white supremacist culture practices within the structure of AT training. listening, respect, people who currently feel outside, feeling welcomed and that they belong. ~ connection, space, accountability, decolonization of use of self and how i teach ~ Opportunities for Healing and self knowledge ~ Transparency on this matters, open discussion ~ Acceptance, collaboration, progress, and outreach ~ Value new ideas, all people, look for connections ~


Practices of decolonizing our work, community, and culture. Conversations and accountability for how we perpetuate White Supremacy culture in our work. ~ A multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-gendered community in which there is a single, united society in the US, and an absence of snobbery based upon type of training. ~ A welcoming space for BIPOC trainees and a willingness to confront white supremacist culture practices within the structure of AT training ~ listening, respect, people who currently feel outside, feeling welcomed and that they belong ~ connection, space, accountability, decolonization of use of self and how i teach ~ This questions requires a full conversation, not a short answer form like this. ~ Recognition of varying styles of teaching; AT taught in more diverse settings ~ Humans of all shapes, sizes, genders, colors, and abilities must be welcome! ~ AT “authority” self healing using AT on their own “tightly gripped” beliefs. ~ More acceptance of different lineages and a more racially diverse community. ~ Understanding bodies-bodies that understand and recognition of all bodies ~ all lineages valued and voices heard. open forums to discuss inclusivity ~ AT being welcoming to all, no longer being an elitist and exclusive ~ Getting ourselves out there in more diverse communities ~ ~ A community that cares ~ inclusion of all voices ~ Respectful dialogue and patience ~ Openness, warmth and collaboration ~ More teachers and students of color ~ Honesty, acceptance, curiosity, bravery ~ Permission to make mistakes and be on a learning journey. With that, strong boundaries prohibiting blame, shame and call out culture. I am reluctant to tell other people what they should be doing. The question is, what am I willing to do? What can I give my time and energy to that will begin to address some of the issues that the ATDC is raising? I'm particularly interested in excavating the history of idealized posture, eugenics, racism, and the dark side of human potential movements in general and I think events where we have frank conversations and educational content around those issues are needed. I think we could collaborate with other "embodiment" professionals on these topics. I would also like to see us as a profession be more sexy, more interested in pleasure & the emotional and expressive aspects of life. More BIPoC people, more young, diverse people, I envision a community which really wants to be healed, gatekeepers who reflect their being and make space within the different communities worldwide. I envision brave people, who speak up when they sense that burden is put on another collegues even if they do not understand or agree. I see an Alexander world which reflects their thinking on how dualistic it is or how the search on quality is bound to white Privilege and academia I envision an World of professionals who know about and decline Alexanders racist language and a community which celebrates the woman's voices of the first generation teachers,.... I envision changes not just in AT demographics, but in the way we think about the work and society. I envision AT as a tool to advance social justice. DEIB is part of the use of the self. We can't say we practice good use of ourselves unless we work toward active DEIB in our own community. I want to see those ideas normalized, taught to all AT teachers, and actively practiced in our daily lives. If AT teachers aren't willing to do this, I want them to know the community considers that to be hurtful. I want us to be vocal and clear that we do not accept injustice. I want justice to be part of our framework, not just a way to get token diversity. A deconstruction of the unconscious racist biases in AT, and then an intentional reconstruction of the AT profession around contemporary 21st century ethics, values, scientific advancements, and not around anti-disabled, racist, white body supremacist beliefs. We can then take a leadership position in the field of human agency, human dignity, and lifelong personal growth for all people. Also, breaking free from the limits of the elitist-perpetuating STAT training models to training programs which are more effectively training AT professionals to meet the demands of 21st century jobs. For me, inclusion, equity, and diversity are directly tied to justice. Without justice, those things mentioned above are “nice to have’s”. When we recognize that we need to pay attention to those things due to a lack of justice built into our world in systemic ways, the conversation changes completely. What I envision is that we need to build ways to add the context that is missing that contributes to systemic oppression. Adding this context, my hope is that more voices would be able to be in the room. When we have more voices in the room we can be more connected to each other. Careful and honest examination of historical texts, practices that are still being used today in order to identify problematic areas and to whatever extent possible ensure these are not being used to train teachers or teach students. Also an active commitment to creating warm, open, non-judgmental and joyful spaces where expansion of what we understand can occur. acknowledgment of all lineages between each other (STAT, ATI, independent training schools) and equal representation at big events like the congresses, benevolent exchange would be very fruitful between the different lineages and important to keep our wonderful work alive. Diversity at AT events regarding age, gender, color, etc including minority groups. Embrace of learning to see our biases (habits) and unlearning them in an atmosphere of trust and discovery. This would include taking a stand toward anti-racist, decolonial work, and creating more access and belonging for people of a variety of races, ethnicities, abilities, genders, religions...all the things that are mentioned in the ATDC statement. A re-imagining/re-understanding of what the work actually is, and an examination of how we are not currently diverse. Examination means doing the foundational work of seeing what's in the basement, taking it out, really looking at it, understanding why we put it there, and making different decisions about what to do. I would like to see everyone on board to support a comprehensive mission for DEI and belonging, more accessibility to the technique for ALL people but specifically for BIPOC, Disabled and economically disadvantaged folx. I would like to see less resistance and protectionism and more inclusivity. A forum for BIPOC teachers, students and interested parties to share their experiences. Discussions on how AT needs to examine itself thru the lens of white supremacy. Workshops for AT teachers on anti-racism training. I would like to see white teachers examining themselves more scrupulously. Diversity should apply to teaching methods. In order for the work to resonate with a diverse populous, then AT needs to be flexible and accommodating in it's outreach. Accessibility of the technique is a huge issue, therefore as teachers we need to focus on our communication and style. Acceptance of our differences as human beings and seeing the great value of diversity as a learning and growing opportunity within the community. It is so important to learn, know how things look and feel from another perspective: such as culture, race, ability, backgrounds... More AT teachers of color, which, in some cases, will mean more available financial aid. Also, people of color in leadership positions in AmSAT. Training for all teachers of the technique in cultural differences that could make the technique more accessible to people of color.Incorporate AT into environments where diversity already exists such as schools (elementary to graduate school), businesses, etc. that would then encourage people of BIPOC, LGBTQ, etc. to pursue becoming teachers. Don't expect people to come to AT; take AT to the people. I don't see myself belonging. For my and others true inclusion, eugenics must be faced along with racism and I don't see that happening. But I like to stay connected to other practitioners who might be allies in adjacent communities. Active promotion of marginalized people into leadership roles, equity treated as a fundamental aspect of a community (not a side dish or an extra), accountability for past harms done within the AT community. A multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-gendered community in which there is a single, united society in the US, and an absence of snobbery based upon type of training. Practices of decolonizing our work, community, and culture. Conversations and accountability for how we perpetuate White Supremacy culture in our work. A welcoming space for BIPOC trainees and a willingness to confront white supremacist culture practices within the structure of AT training. listening, respect, people who currently feel outside, feeling welcomed and that they belong. ~ connection, space, accountability, decolonization of use of self and how i teach ~ Opportunities for Healing and self knowledge ~ Transparency on this matters, open discussion ~ Acceptance, collaboration, progress, and outreach ~ Value new ideas, all people, look for connections ~ 〰️

When you envision inclusion, equity, diversity and belonging in the Alexander Technique community, what would you like to see?

Alexander Technique Liberation Project

Gathering in Community to Explore Belonging, Equity, and Joy in the Alexander Technique.

The AT Liberation Project is an open network of Alexander Technique teachers, trainees and students who have come together to examine inequity and injustice in our community’s history, to educate ourselves on topics of inclusion, equity and social justice, and to create a more welcoming AT community for ourselves and those who may have been excluded from our work in the past.

We seek to question language, paradigms, and practices within the Alexander Technique which cause harm and limit inclusion, and develop those which foster social justice and belonging.

We welcome anyone, regardless of affiliation or non-affiliation with any professional organization.